Established 1904

The Olympia Yacht Club
OYC Parking Lot Security Fence Design Options
Here are descriptions and renderings prepared by Bill Sloane and MSGS Architects for possible security fencing for the parking lot. Please read and review the options. Separately, you will receive an email ballot for making an advisory vote designed to gauge member interest in any of these options.
All options except Option Zero will use electrically operated sliding gates at the entrance and exit to the parking that open with the ‘Open Door’ application OYC now uses for all entrance doors. When leaving the parking lot, a sensor in the pavement will automatically open the exit gate.
Option 1 required the ADA ramp to the entrance of the clubhouse to be rebuilt so that the ramp begins and ends in the secure parking lot. The present ramp is legally too steep, it has a steeper slope than the maximum allowable 1:12 slope per ADA regulations. The ramp can remain as is in Options 2 and 3, but if rebuilt, it must be at a 1:12 slope, which means it will be approximately 48 feet long, as the rise to the clubhouse is 48”.
The fire hydrant and the Post Indicator Valve (PIC), the red painted column adjacent to the fire hydrant, must remain at their current locations.
Option 1 would require cutting down the red leaf maple tree at the southwest corner of the clubhouse and eliminating the fountain directly south of the existing ADA ramp.
Bayview food delivery by semi-trucks and other trucks use the entrance to our parking lot to pull in and back up to the Bayview loading dock. Because of this the entrance sliding gate will be about 16’-0” wide with strong steel pipe bollards protecting the fencing. OYC has always allowed Bayview to use OYC’s parking lot to let trucks back up to their loading dock and Bayview has always allowed OYC to use the land Bayview owns directly north of their building as a storage lot for OYC’s needs.
Option 1 requires members to go through (2) security gates, one at the parking lot and one at the docks (existing) to get to their boat. This is in addition to the vehicle sliding gate to enter the parking lot.
Options 2 and 3 requires members to go through (2) security gates, one at the public boardwalk that runs west - east and one at the docks (existing) to get to their boat. This is in addition to the vehicle sliding gate to enter the parking lot. This design makes the walkway between the clubhouse and the caretaker’s cottage private to OYC members only.
Pricing has not been estimated at this time.
Renderings below were created MSGS Architects with input from Bill Sloane, Ed Stolarik and Steve Parrott